Customized business card magnets have proven time and time again to be an extremely effective marketing tool. While your generic business cards may be lost, thrown in a pile with dozens of other cards, or unfortunately thrownaway; business card magnets will be placed on the refrigerator and be seen again and again.
Statistically speaking the average person opens there fridge 30 times daily. This is 210 times per week and 10,920 times a year. This ensures your business card magnets message will stick in the minds of entire households day after day.
When the time comes that your customer is in need of your service or product, who are they most likely to call? The company they have to look up in the phone book or the one whose business card magnet they see on the fridge?
Round Corner Business Cards (3.5 x 2)
Whether you are looking for an inexpensive marketing piece, custom save the date mailer or appointment reminder; all od our business card magnets are unique and effective custom designs. This ensures our customers an effective and easy way to personalize their business card magnets with a specific message catered to their business.
All business card magnets are printed in four color process which allows your design unlimited number of colors and limitless possibilities. These business card magnets are also finished with a gloss laminate. Customizing your business card magnets will ensure your business cards receives maximum exposure within entire house holds countless times a day.
Business card magnets ensure that your message will stick in the minds of your future customers.
A business card magnet with meat, four color proccess is a great way to promote your business.
All Business card magnets ensure your message will stick in the mind of future customers. Do not wait another minute customize your business card magnets today! Business card magnets are the way of the future.